We are a Nation of Native Americans originating in Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, North Carolina, and Tennessee borders. Between 1896 and 1908, approximately 2000 citizens of this group submitted applications to the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA); but were denied for various reasons. According to Guion Miller of the U.S. Interior Department in 1908, stated "The locality where these claimants and their ancestors are shown to have been living from a period considerably before 1800 up to the present time is a territory that, during this time, has not been frequented by Cherokee Indians. It is a region much more likely to have been occupied by Indians from Va. or by the Catawba Indians who ranged from South Carolina up through North Carolina into Va". In 1896, Chief Blevins oversaw the unifying of these two thousand at the foot of the Whitetop Mountain; hence the Whitetop Nation was officially established.

Our Mission
-To protect and enhance the quality of the lives of all our citizens.
-To protect the culture and traditions of Native Americans.
-To teach our young people the history of our families and the history of Native American peoples.
-To respect the burial sites of our ancestors that have gone before us and for generations to come.
-To confront ongoing environmental issues that have plagued our Nation as a whole and the health of Mother Earth.
We will stress the importance of her continued survival.
"Our Nation will always elect our own leaders and teach our children the importance of education and self-reliance. We pledge to care for our elderly and youth, with a commitment to assist and serve our communities and country."